Sebrae Mato Grosso celebrates 50 years of foundation with an art exhibition from state’s local artists, in Brasília | ASN Mato Grosso


In 2025, the Brazilian Micro and Small Businesses Support Service in the state of Mato Grosso (Sebrae Mato Grosso) celebrates its 50th anniversary of foundation. As a main anniversary event, the institution is hosting a collective art exhibition dedicated to Mato Grosso people’s artistic production at the National Museum of the Republic, in Brasília- the federal capital of Brazil. Titled as “Lyrical, Critical, and Solar: Visual Arts in Mato Grosso”, the exhibition features 200 artworks produced by 50 local artists. The exhibition opens on March 18th and goes until May 11th, in the main hall. Entrance is free.

Curated by Divino Sobral and Laudenir Gonçalves, with assistance from Rosana Schmitt, and exhibition design by Guilherme Isnard, the collective art exhibition is a collaboration between Sebrae Mato Grosso, the Government of the Federal District and the National Museum of the Republic. It is expected that approximately 50,000 visitors will attend the exhibition in the following days.

This event opens the Sebrae Mato Grosso’s year-long celebration of its 50th anniversary, which will resume in September 2025. The exhibition main focus is to offer visitors a fresh perspective on the Brazilian state’s history through art, showcasing cultural perspectives that are part of the “creative economy setup”, celebrating the visual arts.

Dalva de Barros’ paintings will be featured on the collective art exhibition/ By Fred Gustavo

The Executive Director of Sebrae Mato Grosso, Lélia Brun, emphasizes the significance of the year of 2025, as it marks half a century of impactful activities on small businesses. “We are celebrating 50 years of a journey that has touched lots of entrepreneurs and contributed to the development of our state. We know the great value Sebrae Mato Grosso has provided for small businesses, and this story deserves to be celebrated. It not only celebrates how we came here but also shows our commitment to the present and the next 50 years” she says, pointing out the presence of art in the entrepreneurial context.

The Director of Sebrae Mato Grosso, André Schelini, shares the mission and commitment of the institution to promote Mato Grosso’s artistic production. “Our commitment is to support Mato Grosso’s entrepreneurs and strengthen the state’s productive sectors. We have a history of dedication to sustainable development and the appreciation of the region’s authentic cultural expressions. We are present in the Pantanal, Cerrado, and Amazon biomes, preserving traditions, customs, and cultures, advising on how small businesses can increase competitiveness and explore new commercial trades in Brazil and abroad”, he says.

About the Exhibition

The curatorial process studied and selected artworks and artists from eight cities in Mato Grosso (Cuiabá, Canarana, Chapada dos Guimarães, Guiratinga, Nobres, Rondonópolis, Rosário Oeste and Várzea Grande), featuring pieces as paintings, watercolor paintings, sculptures, ceramics, photographies, and documentaries. The pieces were chosen from 16 collections, including three institutional, three commercial, and ten private collections.

The exhibition is divided into seven thematic sections: Indigenous Ancestry and Indigenism, Nature: Between Prosperity and Devastation, The Presence of Popular Art, Connection with Religiousness, The City of Cuiabá and “Cuiabania” (a meaning for the cultural perspective from people who are born or live in Cuiabá), The People of Mato Grosso, and The Great State of Mato Grosso.

Humberto Espíndola’s artworks will be featured on the collective art exhibition/ By Fred Gustavo

The exhibition also honors four female figures with great significance to the history of art in Mato Grosso: Aline Figueiredo, Dalva de Barros, Maria Lygia de Borges Garcia, and Magna Domingos. In addition, the artwork of Inês Correa da Costa- the first Mato Grosso successful artist who gained recognition all over the country will be highlighted. In total, 31 living artists and 19 deceased ones will have their artworks displayed, marking the exhibition as a tribute to the strong artistic production of the state.

Curator Divino Sobral, who was responsible for designing the exhibition’s thematic narrative, explains that the title “Lyrical, Critical, and Solar: Visual Arts in Mato Grosso” reflects key aspects of the artistic production. “On one hand, the lyricism expressed in the subjective and emotional interpretation of culture; on the other, the criticism that reveals the artists’ awareness of the reality of the time and space they live in; both qualified as solar, an adjective that indicates the intense brightness of Mato Grosso, which is translated in its art through vibrant colors. It speaks of the heat in art made with smart minds and the beat of the heart”, he explains.

Featured artists

1. Adão Domiciano

2. Adir Sodré

3. Adriano Figueiredo Ferreira

4. Alcides Pereira dos Santos

5. Aleixo Cortez

6. Almira Reuter

7. Andréia Zelensky

8. Antônio Ferreira

9. Benedito Nunes

10. Clínio Moura

11. Clóvis Irigaray

12. Conceição Freitas da Silva

13. Dalva de Barros

14. Djair Careta

15. Eugênia Vieira

16. Gervane de Paula

17. Gonçalo Arruda

18. Gustavo Caboclo

19. Helena Corezomaé

20. Humberto Espíndola

21. Ilton Silva

22. Ignês Corrêa da Costa

23. Jared Aguiar

24.João Pedro de Arruda

25. João Sebastião Costa

26. Jonas Barros

27. José Medeiros

28. José Pereira

29. Liberio Boe

30. Marcelo Velasco

31. Márcio Aurélio

32. Mari Gemma De La Cruz

33. Mário Friedlander

34. Miguel Penha

35. Mike Bueno

36. Nilson Pimenta

37. Osvaldina do Santos

38. Paulo Pires

39. Paty Wolff

40. Rai Reis

41. Regina Pena

42. Roberto de Almeida

43. Ruth Albernaz

44. Sebastião Silva

45. Sitó

46. Turuza Waurá

47. Valdivino Miranda

48. Vitória Basaia

49. Wander Melo

50. Zeilton Mattos
Collective art exhibition “Lyrical, Critical, and Solar: Visual Arts in Mato Grosso”:

Site: National Museum of the Republic, Brasília, Brazil

Opening: March 18th, 7pm

Exhibition period: March 18th until May 11th

Visiting hours: From Tuesday to Sunday, from 9am to 6:30pm

Entrance: Free

The exhibition is a collaboration between Sebrae Mato Grosso, the Government of the Federal District and the National Museum of the Republic.

ASN Mato Grosso – Agência Sebrae de Notícias

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