Sellers remain away from closing trades; imports continue firm


Cepea, March 17, 2025 – Sellers continued away from closing wheat trades in the domestic market in mid-March, limiting the amount available and boosting quotations. Moreover, purchasers with difficulties to trade large volumes of high-quality cereal preferred to set international purchases.


Although imports dropped against the month before, the total in February increased in one year. The volume was 582.2 thousand tons, 18.8% down compared to January/25, but 10% more in relation to February/24 – data from Secex.


As a result, over the last 12 months, 6.8 million tons were imported, the highest amount for this period since June/19, due to the lower volume of high-quality product in the last crop in Brazil.


PRICES – According to data from Cepea, between February 28 and March 7, the prices paid to wheat farmers (over-the-counter market) upped 1.2% in Rio Grande do Sul, 2.3% in Paraná and 0.58% in Santa Catarina. In the wholesale market (deals between processors), values increased 0.73% in São Paulo, 0.3% in Paraná, 0.11% in Rio Grande do Sul and 0.22% in Santa Catarina. Dollar quotations downed 1.9% against Real in the same comparison, at BRL 5.792 on March 7.


FEBRUARY – In February, the monthly average of wheat prices in Paraná was BRL 1,449.63 per ton, upping 2.9% against January/25 and 7.6% in relation to that in Feb/24, in real terms (IGP-DI). In Rio Grande do Sul, the average was BRL 1,324.57/ton, 4.3% up in one month and +3.4% in one year. In São Paulo, prices averaged BRL 1.618.78/ton, +1.7% and +22.4% in the same comparisons. As for Santa Catarina, the average was BRL 1,428.70/ton in August, for a decrease of 0.7% compared to January and downing 3.4% against that in the same month last year.



Centro de Estudos Avançados em Economia Aplicada – CEPEA-Esalq/USP

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